4 Ways to Better Manage Payroll for Your Business

Mar 31, 2021 | 0 comments

Featured image by krakenimages from Unsplash

When you think about the first moment you decided to start your business, the exciting parts most likely came to mind. Like, what your logo is going to look like, who will design the website, and whether the Instagram handle you wanted was available. You probably didn’t think about the more complicated things like, how many employees need to be hired, what you are going to pay them, and how you are going to pay them. Things like managing payroll aren’t as glamourous within the business world. However, payroll is a vital piece of the puzzle that cannot be neglected. That’s why we have a few tips for you to follow to make sure that you are managing your business payroll properly. Let’s get started.

1. Be Organized

Ok, we know this one sounds like a no brainer, but you would be surprised to know how unorganized some businesses are when it comes to managing payroll. Now, since organization is a broad term, know that it will look different for everyone’s process. However, it must start with you. For example, setting timelines for when time cards need to be submitted and approved and when payroll will run each month. 

Once you are as organized as you can be, you will be able to keep everyone else in check and on track. So make sure that you have your plan in place. Whether it be a planner, or digitally like a shared calendar, pick something to use. Do what works best for you and your business.


2. Keep Things Simple

It is very easy to overcomplicate things when it comes to your business, especially when managing payroll. You want everything to be perfect, so you hold everything to the highest of standards. Whether you intend it or not, that will generally overcomplicate things, making your workload much-harder to manage. 

Try your best to keep things simple. You may have success doing this by posting it on a dry erase board for affirmation. You could also use calendar notifications to remind you daily to keep things simple. The most important thing you can do is to take a look at your processes and find ways to streamline them. By keeping things straightforward and efficient, you will be able to jet off for that work trip. This way, you will not be concerned with what is happening back in the office.


3. Get Professional Help

No matter how big or small your business is, asking for help is always worth it. If you are finding that you are bogged down by the weight of your payroll managing duties, get help with it. By utilizing a payroll management system, you are cutting out all the difficulty involved with getting your employees paid. It will help you to save time and resources, that way you can be utilized for other important duties.

You and your employees will be able to access their pay info 24/7, from any device. This can help to cut down on a lot of back and forth emailing about pay stubs and hours. With the time and efforts you are going to be saving, you will ask yourself why you waited so long to implement a payroll solution.

4. Trust Your Team

Having trust in your team can really change the game when it comes to the success of your business and your payroll system. Know that when effectively trained, they will be able to handle their hours and workload better. By having that baseline of trust, you can focus on other pressing demands within the workplace. Plus, this will make it so your employees are happier within their roles. Employees want to have a good company culture. That starts by trusting them to do the job they were hired for.

Final Thoughts

We know that managing a business is no easy task, and adding in additional duties like payroll can temporarily complicate things until you adjust to your new processes. But know that there are tons of resources out there to make sure you are doing everything by the book. Just don’t be afraid to seek out the help you need. Trust us when we say you and your employees will be glad you did.


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