Cloud Storage For Divi Layouts And Content. Build Websites Faster With Divi Cloud.

Apr 7, 2022 | 0 comments

Save Layouts And Content Blocks To The Cloud

Divi Layouts, sections, rows and modules can all be saved to Divi Cloud. You can save content directly from pages you are building, sync items from your local Divi Library, and bulk upload Divi layout exports directly into your Divi Cloud. It’s easy to fill your Divi Cloud library with all of your favorite layouts, headers, footer and content blocks.

Access Your Cloud Items From Any Website

Every layout and content element you save to Divi Cloud becomes instantly available on all of the websites you build, right inside the Visual Builder. You can create new websites more quickly than ever using your library of pre-made elements. No need to export and import Divi layouts from one website to another. No need to organize .JSON files on your computer and share them over email or chat. No more searching for Divi Layouts in the WordPress dashboard without live previews and screenshots. Now your layouts are organized, easy to find and available when you need, where you need them.

Organize Everything Inside The Visual Builder

Your entire Divi Cloud library can be managed inside the Visual Builder. You can save, edit, delete, restore, rename, copy, preview, categorize, tag and favorite layouts without leaving the builder. With your favorite layouts categorized and organized into folders, it’s easy to locate layouts and import them directly onto the page you are currently building.

Divi Cloud Takes Screenshots Of Your Layouts Automatically

When you save layouts to Divi Cloud, Divi automatically generates thumbnail images and full-size screenshots for each. Divi’s cloud service does all the work for you. Now you can browse through your Divi Library visually, instead of relying on file names and post titles to find the design you are looking for. This makes things so much easier!

Manage Local And Cloud Libraries Inside The Visual Builder

Now you can manage your entire Divi Library from within the Visual Builder. No need to use the WordPress admin interface and no need to leave the Visual Builder at all! You can do absolutely everything using the new Divi Library popup.

Import & Export Layouts

Now you can import layouts to your Divi Library while you are inside the builder. Simply drag a Divi .JSON file into the popup, or click the portability icon. Divi will import those layouts to your local library, or if you choose, directly to your Divi Cloud. You can also export layouts from within the Divi Library popup. Simply right click on any layout and “Export.”

Edit Layouts

If you want to edit a layout in your library, simple right click and choose “Edit Layout.” Divi will open up the layout in a new instance of the Visual Builder. No need to use the WordPress admin to locate and edit the layout.

Preview Layouts

You can click the “Live Preview” button to see a live version of any layout in your library. Divi will also generate a screenshot for any layout that you save to Divi Cloud.

Rename, Recategorize, Retag

Every item in your Divi Library can be renamed, recategorized and retagged from within the Visual Builder. Everything is updated right away, so yo don’t need to leave or refresh the builder either.

Manage Categories

Not only can you recategorize items, you can also create, rename and delete categories. You can manage both your local categories and your Divi Cloud categories without leaving the Visual Builder.

Manage Tags (Folders)

Just like categories, you can also manage your local and cloud categories from within the Visual Builder. Tags are also visualized as folders within the interface, giving you a new way to organize and browse your library.

Favorite Items

Clicking the heart icon will favorite an item. You can filter and order the list by favorites to quickly locate the layouts that you use most often.


Any item with your library can be instantly duplicated. No need for duplicate post plugins.

Delete & Restore

You can also delete layouts from within the Divi Library popup. Any item you delete will be moved to the trash. The Divi Library Trash is also browse-able from within the popup, and you can easily restore items from the trash if you deleted them by mistake.

Save To Cloud

Moving a layout from your local library to your Divi Cloud library is as easy as clicking the cloud icon. Once you click the cloud icon, that item will become available on every new website you build.

Import To Cloud

You can also import library collections directly to Divi Cloud by clicking the “Import To Divi Cloud” option during import. You can quickly upload hundreds of layouts to your Divi Cloud library at once.

Search, Filter & Sort

Finding layouts is fast and easy in the new Divi Library popup. Instantly search your entire library and sort/filter the list to narrow down the results. Searching layouts is fast even when you have thousands of items in your library!

New Sort Modes, View Modes, Filtering Options And More

The new Divi Library popup makes it easy to browse your library items and Divi’s pre-made layouts. You can filter both lists and choose from different ordering options as well. That means you don’t need to scroll down to the bottom of the list to find Divi’s newest layout packs. You can also favorite your most-used items and filter the list by “favorites” to find them more easily. To top things off, you will also notice that everything is much faster that before.

Divi Cloud Is Available Today!

Everyone can use Divi Cloud for free to store 50 free layouts. To unlock unlimited storage, you can sign up for a Divi Cloud membership, which pays for all of the storage and bandwidth fees. This includes access to future Divi Cloud updates and upcoming Divi Cloud team features, which makes it a no-brainer for Divi agencies and freelancers. It really pays for itself on day one. We’d love to hear your thoughts, so drop us a comment and let us know what you think. Stay tuned for more great Divi features coming soon, and don’t forget to follow and subscribe so that you can be the first to know when our next Divi feature is released. I always give a detailed look into each feature and it’s a great way to get up to speed before you update your website. If you are running your websites on Divi, these are videos and posts you really don’t want to miss.

The post Cloud Storage For Divi Layouts And Content. Build Websites Faster With Divi Cloud. appeared first on Elegant Themes Blog.

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